Friday, February 15, 2008

You know you are a tool if... have one of those motivational posters, framed, on your office wall. Given that my main goal in life is to help others, here are some alternatives for you to consider.

I must admit that I have been on the lookout for a "Hang in There Baby" poster for many years....

Visit for more!


David T. Macknet said...

I gave "Apathy" to one of my clients after I finished a consulting job for him - he was the director of IT, and was dealing with a predecessor who ignored everybody.

I gave "Mediocrity" to the programmers, who'd been working on the same piece of software for 8 years & hadn't finished (that's why they called me in).

I gave "Madness" to my wife.

I gave "Consulting" to a friend ... who worked for IBM's Consulting group.

I kept several for myself. :)

But ... have you bought any T-Shirts from them yet?

Big Momma said...

No I haven't. I was just given this site by a customer of mine....

Tricia said...

I've seen and love these, even though I believe in the power of the inspirational quote--I think it is the cheesy photography that really makes these items insipid.

Miss Lexiloo said...

Very funny.